Best one out of many!
I have tried and downloaded a lot of habit tracking apps and none of them worked with the specific feature I wanted.
What I need in a habit tracking app is that once I have marked a habit as done for the day, I want it to move to the bottom of the list and either disappear or marked as grey. So that I only see the habits I still need to work on. I have many habits I’m trying to work on. Whether that’s a good idea is a different question, lol! :) I found another app, Done, which sort of does this by giving an option to sort, but it also isn’t as clear. Other than that I’ve tried HabitBull, Habitica, Momentum, and none of them has this extremely important feature.
Productivity also has a badge to show the number of remaining habits of the day.
It’s a pretty nifty app.
Raleign about
Productive - Habit Tracker, v1.8